Friday, February 3, 2023



Ambedkar B R : Who were Shudras, Revolution and counter Revolution

Belvalkar S.K, : Systems of Samskrit Grammar; Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan, New Delhi; First Edn 1914-15; 2nd Edn.1976.(P.2)

Barua Alokesh: India's North East Development issues in a historical perspective, Edited. Manohar publishers and distributors, 4753/23 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002, 2005

Banerjee P: New light on central Asian Art, Abha Prakashan New Delhi 1992.( Contains the biggest and best map of Central Asia)

Beal Samuel: i) Buddhist Literature in China, Bibilothica Indo Buddica No. 46, Satguru Publications, New Delhi. First Ed. 1882; 2nd Ed. 1988 .ii) Buddhist Records of the Western World. iii) Travels of Fa-hsien with Giles H.A. ; iv)Buddhism in China.

Belvalkar Shripad Krishna : Systems of Sanskrit Grammar, Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan, Delhi, First Edn 1914-15, Second Edn. 1976.

Biddolf Desmond: Article Estimating the dates of Buddha Shakyamuni's birth in the journal The Middle way August 2011

Bhattacharjee Pramod Chandra : Sino Tibetan Languages of North East India—social aspects ( An article in Linguistic situation in north east India edited by Nirmal Giri.

Bhattacharji Sukumari : Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Literature, Asiatic Society Kolkata,1992.

Bhattacharya T.K. : The Adis—their origin and migration. Risarun ; 1975.

Bhikshu Chau Thich Minh: The Chinese Madhyam Aagam and the Pali Majjim Nikaya a comparative study; Buddist Tradiation Vol XV , Motilal Benasasdas ; 1964,1991. ( This volume is part of a comparative study series edited by Alex Wayman1991.)

Boulnois luce :Silk Road - Monks, Warriors and Merchants, Translated by Helen Loveday, Odyssey Books and Guides, ISBN 962-217-720-4 Odyssey books and guides 2004.ISBN 962-217-720-4 (Hardback) ISBN 962-217-721-2(paperback)

Brunell A.C. : On the Aindra School of Sanskrit Grammarians- their place in Sanskrit and subordinate literature, Bharat Bharati Oriental Publishers and booksellers, B,28/15, Durga Kunda, Varanasi 5, First Edn.1895, Reprint 1976.

Chakravarti Uma : Beyond the kings and Brahmanas of ancient India;Tulika Books, Shahapur Jat, New Delhi; 2006.( As against jatis and kulas there are no concrete references to varnas in Tripitaka P.63.)

Chadra Lokesh : President Daisaku Ikeda- through the eyes of Prof. Lokesh Chandra, Aditya Prakashan, 2004 (P.82-83)

Chanana Dev Raj : Slavery in Ancient India; People's First print 1960, third reprint 2008.

Chatterjee Suniti Kumar: Kirat Jana Kriti : The Indo-Mangoloids—Their contribution to the history and culture of India, Asiatic Socieity, Kolkata, First Edn.1951, Second Edn. 1974.(PP.21-26) 2) Adoption of Aryan speech by non Aryans-- East Bengal, Assam, Orissa, and South Bihar (P.55)

Chengdu University: Studies on the ancient Silk road in south west China,published by Chengdu University.

Chattopdhyay Annapoorna : The people and culture of Bengal Vol.I Part II, published by Phima KLM Pvt. Ltd.

Collins Stevens : Nirvana and other Buddhist felicitie; Cambridge Uty Press 1998.
2) Article on Pali is by Steven Collins in The Literary Cultures in History- Reconstructions from South Asia edited by Sheldon Pollock; The Oxford Books 2008.

Coomaraswamy Anand K : Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power in the Indian Theory of Government, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers; originally published in1942, First Indian Edn.1978.

Daimond Jared: The faits of Human societies,1997.(contains his chapter on “Spacious skies and tilted axis” available on,journalofworldsystemsresearch.dec.2006)

Dandekar R. N.: Select Writings Vol I, Vedic Mythological tracts, Ajanta Publications, Delhi ;1979.

Dhaky M.A.:Arhat Parshwa and Dharanendra Nexus, Motilal Banasdas ,1947

Dowerah Bhuyan Manjula : The North Eastern Council- Organisation, mangagement and its role in socio-economic development of North –East India: DVS publishers,H B Road Pan Bazar, Guwahati- 781001

Dupree Nancy Hatch : Road to Balkh; Afghan Tourist Organisation,1967.

Dutt Arup Kumar : The Brahmaputra, NBT , First Edn.2001, Third reprint 2012.

Dutt N.V.B.S. : Yayoi people and Ancient Indo-Japanese Relations , Northan Book centre, New Delhi, 1993.

Edgerton Franklin : Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit 10 Public lectures, Banare Hindu University, 1954.

Erdosy George (Editor) : The Indo-Aryans of Ancient South Asia, Munshiram Manoharlal, First Indian Edn. 1997.

Etienne Lamotte: The spirit of ancient Buddhism.

Fukuyama Francis: 1) The origins of political order, Farrr Straus and Giroux, First Edn. 2011. 2)The Great Disruption, Profile Books, First Edn.1999. Paperback Reprint 2000.

Fuller Dorian :Pathways to Asian Civilisations

Giri Nirmal : Editor; Linguistic Situation in North East India, Concept Publishing Company, A/15-16, Commercial Block, Mohan Garden, New Delhi110059, First Edn.1982, Second Edn. 2003. ( Sudhanshu Tunga Article from this book)

Ghoble T.R. Dr. :China and Nepal relations and India ; 1986 Deep Publications, D-1/24 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi (17-18)

Gombrich Richard F. : 1) How Buddhism began,Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, Routledge , First Edn.1996, Second Edn.2006 2) Social history of Thervada Buddhism, 1988. 3) What is Pali?, 1994.

Guisepi Roberts:

Gupta Parmeshwarilal: NBT , first Edn 1979, elevanth reprint 2013

Habib Irfan: 1) Essays in Indian History- Towards a Marxist Perception, (Article based on his D D Kosambi memorial lecture on Castes in Indian History, Anthem Press London, Reprint of 2002 First Edn.
2) Atlas of Ancient Indian History, (with son Faiz Habib) Oxford university press,2012.

Hariprasad Rai : North East India’s place in India-China Relations and its future role in India’s economy, ( Based on his speech in Kolkata Institute of Historical Studies, Asiatic Society, Kolkata, March 2002. 2) The Southern Silk Route, Article published in China Report , February 13,1995 based on his lecture in the International Conference of Asian and North African Studies,Hong Kong 1993.3) Silk Route from North East India.

Hinuber O. V. :Pali as an artificial language, Indologica Tourenesia Vol. No.10. PP.138-139( Buddhist prakrit began by emulating the example of Sutra Literature in Sanskrit not far from the time of the beginning of Pali language.)

Hiremath R.C. : The genesis and growth of Dravidian, Dravidian Language Association; 1984.

Jain Bhagchandra : Jainism in Buddhist Literature, Alok Prakashan Nagpur,1972. Preface by Prof. Hiralal Jain.

Jain Jagdishchandra : Studies in Early Jainism , Navrang Book Sellers and Publishers, RB -7, Inderpuri, New Delhi 110012. 

Jamkhedkar Arvind Prabhakar: Vasudevhindi: A cultural study; Aagam Kala Prakashan, 34 Central Market, Ashok Vihar, Delhi 110052, 1984.( A Ph. D. thesis)(P> 68,148,257,258)

Johari Sitaram, Major: Where India,China and Burma meet, Thacker Spints and Company, 1962.( Qutotes A History of Assam by Gait, Page No. 23)

Jong J. W. de: i) Article” The background of early Buddhism” in the volume Buddhist studies; Asian Humanities, Press, 1979(Contains Jong's Scattered writings in single volume); ii) A brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America, Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Vol. No. 33, Satguru pub. New Delhi 2nd Ed. 1987.

Joshi S.D.: Editor- Amritdhara Prof. R.N. Dandekar felicitation volume , Ajanta Publications, Delhi; 1984

Kalupahana David J.: MulamadhyamakaKarika of Nagarjuna, Motilal Benanasdas, First Ed. 1991, Reprit 2006.

Ketkar Shridhar Vyankatesh : History of Caste in India, First published in 1909, fifth reprint Low price publication 2010.

Kosambi Daharmanand : Buddha charitra ( in Marathi)

Krishanath: Arunachal Yaatra , a travelogue in Hindi (mentions the origions of Tai khamti, Ahoms and Aadi)

Law Bimal Chandra : Kshatriya Clans in Buddhist India, First Ed. 1922., reprint Sagar Book House, Street No. 3 Shop No. 60,Laxmi Nagar, Delhi 110092. ( Forward by Ashutosh Mukherjee)

Levin Bongard G and Vigsin A : The Image of India: A study of the ancient Indian civilisation in the USSR, Progress publishers, English language translation by Greenwood Peter, 1984.

Levy Sylvian: Book on Nepal Vol. No.2 1905 P.75
(First study of Kirats).

Lokesh Chandra: President Daisaku Ikeda- Through the eyes of Lokesh Chandra, Aaditya Prakashan, New Delhi,2004.

Mani Sushama : Article Licchhavi Prashasanki bharatiya evam Nepali Parampara (in Hindi) in Purabharati- Studies in early historical Archeology and Buddhism edited by B. R. Mani and S.C.

Maqbool S. Ahemad (Translator): Arabic and classical Accounts of India and China.

Mascia Colin P : The Indo- Aryan Languages, Cambridge Language Surveys, Cambridge University Press, 1991.(introduction P. 7)

Mukherjee B. N. : 1) Coins and Currency system of early Bengal, upto CAD-300; 2.) Rise and fall of Kushan Empire,Kolkata, 1988 ( Kushanas adopted Sanskrit as their edict and numismatic language.)

Mukherjee B. N.: Coins and currency system of East Bengal (Upto C.AD -300),Progressive publishers, 37A, College Street, Kolkata-73, first published March 2000.

Nkrumah Hajime : Indian Buddhism 1987.

Nicola Di Cosmo, Harvard University: Cambridge History of Ancient China; Edited by Machael Loewe and Edward L Shaughnessy, 1999.

Omarov Y. S.: History and Genesis of Kazak Civilization

Pandit M. D. : A comparative study of all Sanskrit Grammars, Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, 2421-A 2nd Floor, Narang Colony, Trinagar, Delhi 1100035

Pandye Govind Chandra: Studies in the origion of Buddhism, Motilal Banarasdas, Second Edn. 1994.

Patil Sharad, Comrade : Das Shudraanchi Gulamgiri ( Das Shudra Slavery in Ancient India) Mavalai Prakash, (Marathi)

Prebish Charles S. : A to Z of Buddhism, chapter 5. Vision Books pvt ltd. New Delhi 2001, 2003.P. XVII

 Phukan Sarat Kumar and Phukan Supriti:The Great Indian Corridor in the East--Importance of North East India to the SAARC nations.(Chapt.2)

Pierre Lue Seguillian : Kazakistan: Linchpin of Eurasia ; Prestige communications, 2010 (P.24)

 Phani Deka : The great Indian Corridor in the East, first published in 2007. Mittal publications 4594/9 Daryagang, New Delhi 110002 .

Sheldon Pollock : Literary Cultures in History - Reconstructions from South Asia. Edited. Oxford Books 2008.

Ptolemy: The Geography translated and edited by Luther Edward; published by Stevenson Dover, New York; 1991.(P.33)

Raajwade Chi. Vai. : Translation with notes in Marathi ; Dighh Nikaya of Sutta pitaka. 2nd Edn. 1999. 5th Reprint by Kaushalya Prakashan Aurangabad 2005.

Rhodes N. G. and Bose S K : Coinage of Assam Vol. II 2004 Library of Numismatic Studies, Ward No. 2 Raja Ram Mohan Roy road, Djubri(Assam) 783301 

Sankrutyayan Rahul: 1) Mazzimnikaya (Translation in Hindi) 2) Buddhacharya (in Hindi) First Edn 1930, Third Edn. Bharatiya Bouddha samiti Lucknow 1995. 3) Bouddha samskriti

Satoskar B. D. : Gomantak: Prakruti aani Samskriti (Marathi)) Vol. I (of three volumes)1979; Sharadiya Prakashan,3, Gangotri, Dr. Atmaram Borkar Marg, Panaji, Goa 403001

Satya Shrav: The Sakas in India, Prahav Prakashan, New Delhi, Second Edn. 1981.

Sharan Manish Kumar: Tribal coins a study.

Senart Emile: Caste In India—The facts and the system; Translation by Ross E Dennison; ESS Publications New Delhi First Indian reprint 1975,second reprint 1978.

Shah Kshanika: Buddhism and Buddhist literature in Central Asia.( A Culcutta University Ph.D. thesis.Forwarded by Prof. Dutt Nalinakshan) Firma L Mukhopadhyaya Culcutta, 1970. 

Shapur Suren Pahlav : Scythians- an article on internet portal “ Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies” edited by Shapur; first published in 1998.

Sharma S.D.: Genetic Resources of Rice in India.

Shashibla: An article “ The life and legacy of Kumarjiva” in the paper collection published by Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts(IGNCA),Kalakosh Division on the occasion of the international Seminar and exhibition on Kumarjiva in New Delhi, in February,2011.

Sharma S. D.:Genetic Resources of Rice In India

Shendge Malati J: The Language of Harappans : from Akkadian to Sanskrit,Abhinav Prakashan,E 37,Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016.;1997.

Sircar D. C. : Indian Epigraphy, New Delhi 1965 (37)

Sircar Ichimuddin: Aspects of Historical Geography of Pragjyotishpur-Kamrup(Ancient Assam), Naya Prakash, Kolkata, 19929( Pages 178-80)

Solomon Richard: On the origin of early Indian script.

Stall Robert: Discovering Vedas.

Stearns P.N. Schwartz S.B. Gilbert M. J. Adas M Synopsis of Zhou (Chou) culture in the World Ciivilisations : The Global Experince Chapts. 1-5, Longman Publishing Group 2000;ISBN 10: 0321044797

Swaroop Manjulika : How did Buddhism come to Southern India : An article in Sambhasha—commemorative volume published by the Shri Lankan Government on the occasion of 2500 years of Buddha.

Talbot Rice Tamara:The Scythians, London Thames and Hudson; 1965.

Tan Chung : India China Neighbours and strangers : Towards a grand Harmony

Tansen Sen : India China Neighbours and strangers: Changes and exchanges

Thapar Romila :1) Ancient Indian Social History; Oriental Blackswan; second Ed 2010. 2) Ashoka and the decline of Mauryans.

Those Romila and others: India: Historical beginnings and the concept of the Aryan, National Book Trust, First Edn 2006 Reprints 2007,2009,2010.

Toyenbee Arnold : A study of History, Oxford University Press, originally printed in 1934 reprint 1979 Vol. V; P. 140 and Map on P. 21b of Vol. XI (central Asian roundabout)

Tuchman Barbara W. : Stillwell Road and the American Experience in China 1911-45; Macmillan Company,;1970.

Tunga Sudhanshu S. : Sociology of Language-North eastern case.(An article in Linguistic situation in North Eastern India, Concept Publishing Company,A/15-16, Commercial Block, Mohan Garden, New Delhi 110059.,First Edn.1982, Second Edn. 2003.

Upasak C.S. Director Nav Nalanda Mahavihar : History of Buddhism in Afghanistan; Central Institute of Higher Tibetan studies, Miscellanious Series II (Sarnath, Varanasi) (Chief Editor of the series Prof. Shandough Rinpoche) First Edn. 1990.

Watson : Records of the Grand Historian’ by Sima Qian, Shiji (Han Dyanasty II ). (Revised Edition 1993) Translated by Burton Watson, Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-08167-7 

Wayman Alex : Untying the knots in Buddhism; (Selected essays in the Buddhist Tradition series)

Whitfield Randolf : An article in the Journal The Middleway, (Edited by Desmond Biddolf) August 2011.

Whitefield Susan: The Silk road - trade travel and faith, published on the occasion of Exhibition organized on silk road by the British Library in 2004.

Wickramagamage Chanda and Kayoko Kusumoto : Tantrik Buddhism and the Art of Gavalvihar. Academy of Shri Lankan Culture 2008

Wolfram Eberhard: A History of china; Routledge and Kagan Paul London; 1950.

Yang Bin : The Making of Yunnan ( Second century BCE to Twentieth century CE), Colombia University Press, 2008

Web Resources:
-- : articles on Scythians,Zhang Quian,zhau dynasty,Dian Kingdom,

sichuan pepper,citrus fruits,yang quin (for Santoor), for Ba-shu culture for yunnan history

Encyclopedia Britanica XV edition, Micropedia article on Cimmerians. for Kadamba dynasty

circle of ancient Iranian studies



मराठी हिंदी संदर्भ ग्रंथः

डॉ. श्री. व्यं. केतकर : प्राचीन महाराष्‍ट्र, आदिपर्व + शातवाहनपर्व दुसरी आवृत्ती १९८९ (प्रथमावृत्ती १९३५) वरदा बुक्‍स, वरदा 

महाराष्‍ट्रीय ज्ञानकोश, प्रस्‍तावना खंड भाग २ वेदविद्या

मराठी विश्वकोष : खंड बारावा - १९८५ 

शरद पाटील : दासशूद्रांची गुलामगिरी, खंड १ : भाग १ ,मावळाई प्रकाशन, शिरुर, जिल्‍हा पुणे,दुसरी आवृत्ती (२००८)

 प्रा. चिं. वै. राजवाडे दीघनिकाय - मराठी भाषांतर भाग १ - ३, कौशल्‍य प्रकाशन, प्रथमावृत्ती १९९८, बडोदे बौद्ध ग्रंथमाला, पुनर्मुद्रण २००५

 श्रीनिवास हरी दी‍क्षित भारतीय तत्त्वज्ञान 

 मधुकर केशव ढवळीकर: आर्यांच्या शोधात ,राजहंस प्रकाशन,पुणे, पहिली आवृत्ती २००८

आ. ह. साळुंखे: जिद्न्यासा पुरुष ह्युएनत्संग, लोकायत प्रकाशन सातारा, २०१४.

हिंदी पुस्तके:

थेरी गाथा हिंदी भाषांतर - भरत सिंह उपाध्याय, प्रथम संस्‍करण २०१०, गौतम बुक सेंटर

 विनय पिटक भाषांतर, राहुल सांकृत्‍यायन, प्रथम संस्‍करण १९३४, द्वितीय आवृत्ती, बौतम बुक सेंटर, शहादरा, दिल्‍ली २०१०

यादव गोपाल: प्राचीन भारतीय लिपी और अभिलेख २०१० 

राहूल संकृत्‍यायन बुध्‍दचर्या

 धर्मानंद कोसंबी भगवान बुध्‍द

झा डी. एन.: प्राचीन भारत -एक रूपरेषा, मूल इंग्रजी , अनुवादक -कन्हैया, मनोहर पब्लीशर्स नई दिल्ली , आठरावी आवृत्ती २००७


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